1·Happy Spring tide with sea level, sea moon tide total health.
2·The spring tide suspended sediment concentration is bigger than that of the neap tide.
3·As the "Moonlit Night" there goes: "Spring tide with sea level, sea moon tide were students."
4·The observation data show that the spring tide current and its variations are much larger than those of the neap tide.
5·In addition, the composition of species, Numbers and the index of community structures were changed with latitude and spring tide.
6·Under wrapping up in holding under the arm of commercialized spring tide, the literary creation moves towards fawning on customs gradually.
7·How to make the China of new century revives in the spring tide of globalization, this is a when be placed before us great theory and real problem.
8·Logy model: in market competition those starts are slow handle affairs the person with low efficiency will be flooded without doubt by place of competitive spring tide.
9·The restoring ancient ways of tall waist outfit collocation, broken flower skirt collocation pilot spring tide, and this time the collocation of the wheel to play loughborough pants.
10·The salt water flowing into the South Branch from the North Branch is one of the major water pollution sources in the Yangtze and the Huangpu estuaries during the spring tide of dry seasons.
1·Logy model: in market competition those starts are slow handle affairs the person with low efficiency will be flooded without doubt by place of competitive spring tide.
2·How to make the China of new century revives in the spring tide of globalization, this is a when be placed before us great theory and real problem.
3·Under wrapping up in holding under the arm of commercialized spring tide, the literary creation moves towards fawning on customs gradually.